Local Outings Local Outings Programme 2024-25

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In addition to weekly walks on Hampstead Heath which continue throughout the year, we normally, each September to June season, visit several locations in and around the London area by public transport.
MBS Membership covers the September - June programme each year. Our 2024-25 Local outings programme is posted below.

Hampstead Heath walks

Most Tuesday mornings throughout the year, weather permitting.
Several of our members meet for an informal and friendly stroll on Hampstead Heath to see what birds are around.
Although these walks are primarily for MBS members, newcomers and occasional visitors are welcome.
For further information contact Marion birdsmbs@yahoo.com or 07495760694
Please note these are not guided walks. There is no official leader. People attend at their own risk. That said, there will always be Heath regulars who may suggest variations on our route and we all pool our knowledge and expertise in terms of birds and other wildlife.
Walks last around two hours, usually finishing at Kenwood House for coffee/lunch at the Cafe though some people may follow a circular route back to Parliament Hill and some may choose to end up at South End Green.
Bring binoculars if you have them.
Meet - 10am, Parliament Hill Staff Yard, NW5 1QR.
The Google directions to that postcode are a bit misleading. Aim for the Parliament Hill Cafe on the map. Or follow directions below. If you enter the Heath from Highgate Road, follow the path past the tennis courts. Or there's a diagonal path just beyond the William Ellis School bus stop which by-passes the tennis courts and bowling green.
We meet at the junction of paths near the toilets, noticeboards, cafe and drinking fountain - or nearest bench
and we usually take a look at the cricket pitch opposite the Cafe so may be hidden from the path.
(If it's raining and there's no one at the meeting place/time, it may be worth trying the cafe.)
Also possible to come on to the Heath from Gospel Oak Overground Station. Turn left along Gordon House Road, then left onto the Heath by the Lido. Continue uphill (past the Lido on your left) and turn right on the main path to walk past band stand and cafe on your left and meet at the junction of paths.

Saturday Local Outings

Please note - for a number of reasons we have made a few changes to the programme since it was first published in August.

Saturday 15 March 2025 (NB change of date) Please note special travel arrangements.
Blue House Farm Nature Reserve, Essex Wildlife Trust
Habitat: With farmland, grassland and wetlands Blue House Farm is a 660 acre farm on the north bank of the river Crouch that is owned and managed by the Essex Wildlife Trust. The farm is notified as a Site of Special Scientific Interest and is important for wildlife, particularly overwintering birds.
Species: All year round there are Skylarks, Marsh Harrier, Reed Bunting. In Spring possible sightings of Yellow Wagtail, Wheatear, Snipe, Golden Plover, Stonechat.
Facilities: No facilities at the station. 3 Hides on the Reserve.
Travel: 10.13 train from Liverpool Street, which calls at Stratford at 10.20. We have to change at Wickford. It's a 4-minute connection but the trains are on adjacent platforms. We are due to arrive at North Fambridge at 11.09. People should purchase a return ticket to North Fambridge. They should also make use of the toilets on the trains (there were two on each train) as there are no facilities once we get there.
Reserve information

Saturday 12 April 2025
Sandy RSPB The Lodge

Habitat: The largest stretch of heathland in Bedfordshire plus acid grassland and hilly woodland. There is also an area of farmland plus a sand quarry.
Species: In April migratory warblers will be arriving. There's also a possibility of Dartford Warbler. Raptors: Red Kite, Buzzard, Kestrel. Woodpeckers. Possible Crossbill.
Facilities: Visitor Centre, cafe, shop and toilets.
Travel: Thameslink from St Pancras or Finsbury Park to Sandy. Meet at station 10.30am. Then 1mile walk.
Reserve information

Saturday 17 May 2025
Cheshunt, Fishers Green, Lee Valley, Herts

Habitat: Wetland, rivers and streams, open water, floodplain grassland, fen, wet woodland, some arable land.
Species: Cuckoo, Common Tern, spring warblers inc Garden Warbler and possible Nightingale and Hobby.
Facilities: Cafe in YHA, Cafes and pubs other side of station, toilet at station, public toilets at Fishers Green. Hot drinks at the Wildlife Discovery Centre.
Travel: Liverpool St to Cheshunt via Tottenham Hale or longer London Overground jny via Seven Sisters which is covered by Freedom Pass.
Meet 10.30 at Cheshunt Station and short walk across railway line to reserve.
Reserve information

Saturday 14 June 2025
Amwell Nature Reserve, Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust

Habitat: An SSSI with 4 accessible lakes, reedbeds, grassland, scrub and woodland.
Species: Great Crested Grebe, Heron, Lapwing, Oystercatcher, Water Rail. In summer breeding birds include Little Ringed Plover, Oystercatcher and 9 species of warbler. Hobbies are also seen regularly.
Facilities: No facilities on site but the Jolly Fisherman is en route, opens at 11.00, where toilets are available for the price of a coffee.
Travel: Liverpool St station to St Margarets (Herts). Meet at the station 10.30. 15 minute walk to the reserve.
Reserve information

Earlier this season

Saturday 21 September 2024
Cheshunt, Fishers Green, Lee Valley, Herts

Habitat: Wetland, rivers and streams, open water, floodplain grassland, fen, wet woodland, some arable land.
Species: All year-round examples are Grebes, Heron, Grey Wagtail, Collared Dove.
Facilities: Cafe in YHA, Cafes and pubs other side of station, toilet at station, public toilets at Fishers Green. Hot drinks at the Wildlife Discovery Centre.
Travel: Liverpool St to Cheshunt via Tottenham Hale or longer London Overground jny via Seven Sisters which is covered by Freedom Pass.
13 Members gathered at Cheshunt Station for our 1st Local outing of the season. 32 species identified with highlights including a Raven and a kettle of five Buzzard using a rising thermal.
Reserve information

Saturday 19 October 2024
Rye Meads RSPB, Herts

Habitat: Rye Meads is a 58.5 hectare wetland reserve and biological Site of Special Scientific Interest in Rye House, Hertfordshire, beside the River Lee.
Species: Green and Common Sandpiper, Kingfisher, Snipe, Redshank, Water Rail. Winter visitors such as Fieldfare and Redwing likely to have arrived.
Facilities: Visitor centre, hot drinks/snacks and toilets.
Travel: Liverpool Street Station to Rye House Station. Meet 10.30. 400yds/366m to Visitor Centre
Around 20 MBS Members gathered at Rye Meads on showery morning which developed into quite a sunny day - with rainbows. 37 bird species on our group list including Red kite, Grey Heron, Little Egret and no fewer than 8 Little Grebe seen from the Gadwall Hide.
Reserve information

Saturday 16 November 2024
Rainham Marshes RSPB, Essex
Habitat: RSPB nature reserve adjacent to the Thames estuary. Large area of wetland, a woodland walk, ditches and scrub.
Species: Marsh Harrier, Bearded Tit, Avocet, Peregrine, Wigeon, Teal, Pintail, Gadwall. Possible Short Eared Owl, Barn Owl and Bittern..
Facilities: Hides and open viewing areas, Visitor Centre with cafe, shop and toilets. Though sadly only coffee and cake available on this occasion with Cafe and centre to close by the end of the year.
Travel: Fenchurch Street to Purfleet Station. 15-20 minute walk to the reserve.
Just under 60 species were seen/heard by the 20-strong MBS group.
Reserve information

Saturday 14 December 2024
Regents Park pre-Christmas walk

Woodland and water birds.
Meet near number 2 Park Road, NW1 4SH, by the Santander bikes on the corner near traffic lights closest to Park. Nearest tube station Baker Street. 10.30 departure.
Morning only.Traditional informal bird walk usually ending in the cafe.
Reserve information

Saturday 18 January 2025
Two Tree Island, Essex

Habitat: 640 acre Island of grassland, scrub, reedbed and lagoons.
Species: Many waders including Knot, Dunlin, Lapwing, Curlew, Grey Plover. Brent Geese, winter thrushes and a variety of ducks.
Facilities: Toilets and Cafe at the station.
Travel: London Fenchurch Street (or Liverpool St) to Leigh on Sea. Meet 10.30. 5 minute walk to the reserve.
12 people braved the cold and were rewarded with excellent views of Kingfisher, Water Rail and Snipe among the around 40 species identified.
Reserve information

Saturday 22 February 2025 (NB CHANGE of SITE)
Cheshunt, Fishers Green, Lee Valley, Herts

Habitat: Wetland, rivers and streams, open water, floodplain grassland, fen, wet woodland, some arable land.
Species: Waders, wildfowl and possibly Water Rail and Bittern. Visiting winter birds such as Redwing and Fieldfare likely to still be around as well as early signs of spring such as birds engaging in courtship behaviour.
Facilities: Cafe in YHA, Cafes and pubs other side of station, toilet at station, public toilets at Fishers Green. Wildlife Discovery Centre, Hides.
Travel: Liverpool St to Cheshunt via Tottenham Hale or longer London Overground jny via Seven Sisters which is covered by Freedom Pass.
Meet 10.30 at Cheshunt Station and short walk across railway line to reserve.
18 people came on this Local Outing. We walked up the canal in the hope of seeing Goosander at Ashley Pit before making our way to the Discovery Centre at Fishers Green for lunch. While about half the group then returned to the station, 8 went on to the Weir - still no Goosander but they did see 6 Red Kite kettling over Galliwood Hill. 43 species in total.
Reserve information

Coach Outings

Our programme for 2024-25:

Local Outings


Reports on past outings and events:


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